korang penah tak jumpe pensel cmni??hakhak
pencil : you know, i'm really sorry
eraser : sorry for what?? you didnt do anything wrong!
pencil : well, every time when I make a mistake, you will be there to eraser my mistake.but, as time pass by, part of you are gone.
eraser : you see, i'm made to do this.even though i know one of these day i'll be gone, and you have to replace me with another. i'm still happy to do this job. so don't be sad! it worries me!
p/s: hargailah kawan-kawan kita diwaktu susah or senang sebelum ianya hilang untuk selamanya
14 pok pek:
pengorbanan yg tak mengharapkan balasan. oh pemadam :)
amanina@ tu la..unik kn pmadam ni..kite je xpasan,he
sampaikan ucapan selamat hari lahir buat bazz.
But I love to be a liquid paper. :P
Padam tapi masih ada. Paham kan? HEH~
wahaha..special entry! tacing ni..
erm..biarlah,wpun skg ni ade mcm2 jenis cecair pmadam dan pen yg efisyen..tp asal usulnya ttp pd pemadam dan pensil tu
jadik,mkasey sudi jadik pemadam dan pensil buat aq..tanx bazzfren!
sampaikan ucapan terima kasih buat faqhrule
rindu nk hang out ng kowg
resident@ aaha.liquid paper cite len la.he
bazz@ bukan sllu dpat wat entry kat trikh ni;p
cud@ msti ingat kn pic tu..bnyk ag mse kte leh kuar together k..he
diba: haha..tol3..
ade org tu bru bukak laptop smpena tarikh ni..
tulah speselnye..wee
cud: tah ko..senyap sunyi aje..
aq da ar gian nk nyanyi2 lgu guru mesia ni..haha
btw,tanx 4 da wish..
bazz@ tau xpe..buka2 lptop trus pos entry bgus gile trikh ni..hee
sye syg kwn2 sye..
sye syg kmu!
syg kamu juga..syg semua;)
syg sama k.dba...
syg sama semua kawan2...
sweet sngt p0st nihh k.dba... ;)))
siyes terHARU...
kdg2 kte perlu express kan setiap perasaan kte agar kawan kte taw kte appreciate her s0 much...
attoe@ syg attoe gk..still cute k;)
yes btul2..lau kte tnjuk cara appreciate kwan scara lain dri yg lain tu yg besh..hee
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